I’m publishing with FRMY and i’m producing my own video to be submitted to FRMY. What are the guidelines for me to follow before start editing my video?

Third Party Content Creators that involved in creating music video/lyric video for Protected Intellectual Property (Sound Recording) must follow the guideline provided in every that involving Fusion Records MY protected Sound Recording Assets.

A. Song Credit at Initial of the Video

Song Credit at Initial of the Video

    1. Credit info must be shown at least 5 seconds from the starting of the video (intro montage excluded from the timing)
    2. The details of the song credit must have
      1. Song Title
      2. Artist Name
      3. Lyricist Name, separate with comma (,) if more than one,
      4. Composer Name, separate with comma (,) if more than one,
      5. Copyright Notice, mandatory text must follow:
        • “Copyright Fusion Records MY Studio [current year]” (if use English, quotation mark excluded)
        • “Hakcipta Terpelihara Fusion Records MY Studio [current year]” (if use Bahasa Melayu, quotation mark excluded)
    3. Usage of Fusion Records MY intro montage are forbidden

B. Video Ending and Outro

  1. The End Screen must have usable space in the frame for at least
    • One subscribe button card
    • Two videos card
  2. The example of the template are shown below:
  3. The extra space in the frame can be use for any other text such as digital platform or telco promotion.
  4. End screen are only required for videos that will be uploaded to Fusion Records MY YouTube channel.
  5. Separate copy of the video without End Screen are needed if the video need to be uploaded to other platform such as Dailymotion

C. Song Credit at End of Video (Applicable for Music Video only)

  1. Credit info must be shown. If End Screen are added, this Song Credit must be added after the End Screen.
  2. The details of the song credit must have
    • Song Title
    • Artist Name
    • Lyricist Name (separate with comma “,” if more than one)
    • Composer Name (separate with comma “,” if more than one)
    • Copyright Notice (mandatory text must follow:
      • “Copyright Fusion Records MY Studio [current year]” (if use English, quotation mark excluded)
      • “Hakcipta Terpelihara Fusion Records MY Studio [current year]” (if use Bahasa Melayu, quotation mark excluded)
  3. No specific format are needed for outro credit.
  4. Usage of FRMY Corporate outro are required if the videos are uploaded to Fusion Records MY YouTube channel. Please contact our manager for obtaining the softcopy of the video

D. Encoding Settings

  1. File format:
    • MP4
    • MOV
    • WEBM
  2. Video Codec
    • H.264 or H.265 (for MP4)
    • Quicktime Apple ProRes 422 HD (for MOV)
    • VP9 (for WEBM)
  3. Resolution:
    • Full HD (1920 pixels width, 1080 pixels height)
    • 4k (3840 pixels width, 2160 pixels height)
  4. Framerate:
    • 25 fps
    • 30 fps (drop or non-drop frame)
    • 50 fps
    • 60 fps
  5. Video Bitrate
    • Minimum 40Mbps for Full HD resolution
    • Minimum 80Mbps for 4k resolution
  6. Audio Codec
    • AAC or AC3 (for MP4)
    • OPUS (for WEBM)
    • Uncompressed (for MOV)
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